Rowan's Law New Protocol and Policy, News, Port Dover Sailors U15 HL, House League Teams, House (Port Dover Minor Baseball)

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Organization | Jun 05, 2022 | cdadds | 5892 views
Rowan's Law New Protocol and Policy
Rowan's Law - New Legislative requirements

Additional rules under the Law came into effect January 1, 2022 Rules that  require the establishment of a Removal-from-Sport Protocol and Designated Persons Policy. These are now in effect.            

Sport organisations must implement Rowan's Law Policies and Procedures, the latest of which include:
        Rowan's Law - Removal From Sport Protocol
Rowan's Law - Designated Person Policy 
Baseball Ontario recently adopted, for its own use, the above Protocol and Policy
as required under the Law.
Each association must have its own Protocols and Policies approved by its Board of Directors.
Associations may choose to adopt the Baseball Ontario Protocol and Policy for use
within their organisation, or draft their own.

PDMBA have adopted the above Protocol and Policy and all details can be found by Clicking here
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