Equipment Requisition (Port Dover Minor Baseball)

PrintEquipment Requisition

Port Dover Minor Baseball supply Bats, Balls, Catcher equipment and Batter Helmets. However players can use their own equipment if they want. It is recommended that players use their own batter helmets.

Obviously budgets are limited so economies will be made where possible

At the start of each season the Equipment Manager will check all equipment and ensure the basics are in your allocated bag. It is the responsibility of each Head Coach to maintain the security, cleanliness and maintenance of their allocated  equipment.

At the start of the season coaches and staff of each team are asked to double check their equipment and report any deficiencies, breakages etc.

Inevitably there will be issues either at the start or during the season.

We ask that you complete the online form Equipment Requisition (Click Here) for these occasions. On completion an email will automatically be sent to the Equipment Manager and the email address you specified for yourself in the form